
Dr Ron MD, Auckland, New Zealand


“Due to a serious heart condition, my heart’s ability to pump was severely compromised and I was heading towards heart failure, (Ejection Fraction declined from 64 to 50 due to arrhythmia). This condition was not rectified by traditional heart medications and so surgery was attempted, (nerve ablation surgery). Neither of these traditional remedies worked. After just two courses of Chaperonze® my heart arrhythmia was corrected and has remained stable for the last six years. I continue to use Chaperonze® three times a year as recommended”

Dr Ron MD, Auckland, New Zealand


“A patient of mine was struggling with Chronic renal failure. Blood tests confirmed a steady decrease in kidney function by measuring creatine levels (rising) and overall Glomerulae Filtration (decreasing). He entered stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, (CKD). It is likely that someone with stage 4 CKD will need dialysis or a kidney transplant. After only one complete month of Chaperonze® his kidney function increased dramatically and he was able to remain off dialysis.”

Dr Umphenour, Kentucky, USA.


“I am 83 and cannot remember a time that I had nothing wrong with me for such an extended period; not even a cough or cold, it’s incredible! I’ve known Dr O’Casaigh for 30 years now and have followed his research with much interest. I really think he’s on to something here”

Bob PhD, Kentucky, USA


“I am 76 years old. Prior to initiating a replacement bio-identical chaperone proteins course, I was experiencing typical age-related reductions in daily energy, mental sharpness, increased weight, and poor results with my type 2 diabetes control. As a Ph.D. chemist, former Harvard Medical School Faculty Member, and Medical Device Company CEO/Board Member, I was both embarrassed and challenged to find a viable path to improve my overall health and vitality. Immediately after my first one-month series of Chaperonze®, I experienced a very noticeable increase in my energy levels. Within months my HbA1c level had dropped from 8.0 to 5.9, and my C-reactive proteins substantially reduced. Additionally, I have lost more than 30 pounds during the last two years. I am living a much healthier, more active, and better life as a result of Chaperonze®”

Jane, Chelsea, England, UK


“I am 50 and can’t believe how good I feel since I began using Chaperonze® Proteins. My migraines have gone and not reappeared for 30 months since I started. I also lost 14lbs in weight. I have not felt or looked this good since my thirties!”

Kezia, Cadiz, Spain


“I am 58 and I was looking for a natural alternative to botox and fillers. I began using the Chaperonze® Proteins in Spain and by week 6 my skin overall looked amazing and my nose and mouth lines were barely noticeable anymore. A major plus point – I definitely noticed my libido went up ”

John, Virginia, USA


“I am 75, a Vietnam Vet with Type II diabetes and impaired renal function. With sustained and consistent application of Chaperonze® over 24 months, I have lost over 50lbs, my A1C halved to normal limits (10 down to 5.8) and my renal function tests have improved. I am still losing weight and have not been this healthy in years. My doctors in VA are amazed”

Former All Black Rugby Player, England, UK


“I am 54 and I experienced a lot of wear and tear in my professional sporting career. I have been using the Chaperonze® Proteins in England and now sleep better and have released trauma in my neck. I am in a better mood and feel more alive”

Jane, Kentucky, USA


“I am 64 and have now been using Chaperonze® Proteins for two years. In that time, I have had increased mental acuity, marked increased energy, and do not require as much sleep. I have experienced a decrease in prediabetes markers -HbA1c, C-reactive protein, and growth hormone levels. All of this has enabled me to pursue overall weight reduction and live a more active and enjoyable life”

Rich, Kentucky, USA


“Since using Chaperonze® my Libido has improved as has my overall energy level. My libido, while still there, had slowed. I now have the libido I remember from when I was in my 20's and 30's. I also use to get up twice nightly to go to the bathroom, but since taking Chaperonze®, I have an uninterrupted sleep. Before initiating a course of Chaperonze® my eyesight had been slowly declining, needing a new prescription on a regular basis. I have not had the need for new glasses at all since taking Chaperonze®. I would advise anyone to take this game-changing product.”

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